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Savvy Paws Kitten Family Testimonials & Updates

F2 Kiki (formerly Pearl)

Kiki's getting so big! Loving my F-2 🐾 Over the moon ☽ Follows me around like a shadow.

-Joy T.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

F2 Nina (formerly Callisto)

Nina and Jacy are best of friends!! They are great for family life ♡ ♡

-Alexandra L.

Val-d'Or, Qubec

F3 Vesta (formerly Tressa)


Hope all is well. We have got a beautiful savannah cat from you. Vesta is absolutely awesome! I am adding some pictures. ( I have a few thousands of them lol).

-Lena V.

Barrie, ON

F3 Ziggy

Ziggy at 9 months loving on Moms computer while she works! We just adore our little Iggy Ziggy ❤ He is such a handsome boy. His brother and sister have finally warmed up to him as well!

-Lindsay B.

Stratford, PEI

This is a Button

F4 Leo, F6 Lucas, F7 Lucy

My whole family (3) of Savannahs is because of you. We are doing great.

-Mary C.

Cheltenham, Ontario

This is a Button

F4 Reese and newly introduced F6 Shae (formerly Cherika)

They play a looot and have a crazy blast. I should put some cams on the ground... Like I have anything better to do. They have their rare moments. My cover pic with both in my lap has only happened twice but I seen them sleeping close together and him cleaning her about a dozen times.

-Evan M.

Toronto, Ontario

F4 SBT Kigen

Just thought I would share this shot of Kigen in one of his favourite places :) he had an excellent birthday, we got him a pet water fountain which he is now obsessed with. Hope you guys are doing well!

-Clare, Ben and Kigen

Toronto, Ontario

F5 SBT Noelle (formerly Tamar)

Thank you for entrusting us with another beautiful baby. Merry Christmas 🥰

-Sandi & Steve H.

Hamilton, Ontario

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F6 SBT Simba (formerly Sama)

Simba is friends with my parents little dog, they play and they actually laid down together in the dog bed. Simba loves to play “tag” with us. We run and hide then he runs and finds us and jumps on us. He loves his “tower”. He bolts right up to top and likes to perch up there. He loves toys and has many. He plays fetch pretty good. We put a harness and leash on him at the cottage and he sits out on the deck with us and he watches the birds. He takes turns sleeping with all of us, but when the boys are away he sticks to me like glue.

-Wendy A.

Whitby, Ontario

F6 SBT Temperance (formerly Miso)

I hope this message finds you well! Temperance is doing great! She is getting to be a big girl! 😁 I hope you guys are making out okay. ♡ 

Paws-itive vibes🐆 xxx

-Brittany G.

GTA, Ontario

F7 SBT Meekah (formerly Chiyo)

Hello, I have to tell you how wonderful Meekah is doing I've attached a video for you to see. She has been travelling everywhere with me and is now so comfortable in the vehicle. She even jumps into the car or truck on her own (harnessed and on a lead of course). She's comfortable with her seatbelt.

Chantal W.

Kingston, Nova Scotia

F7 SBT Retired Queen Jhoira

When our kittens' breeder called us to let us know she had to make the tough decision to retire their Mama from the breeding program, we jumped - no LUNGED - at the opportunity to adopt her.

A huge shout-out to Christine. I cannot say enough amazing things about Savvypaws. TICA accredited, when she says "lifetime breeder support" she's not kidding, she's answered every single random question I've ever asked. Our cats have all come with a carefully documented family tree extending 4 generations on both sides. In addition to being a serious buisness, it's so obvious the cats are coming from a loving home. If you're looking for a Savannah cat/ kitten from somewhere you can feel good about supporting - this is it.

-Andrea D.

Elora, Ontario

F7 SBT Sisu (formerly Charlotte)

I definitely have a little Diva Darling Supermodel on my Hands! You can see how much she loves to pose for the camera!

Dad calls her my little "Shadow" as no matter what she if she hears me get up and leave the bedroom she follows me right at my ankle everywhere I go and she doesn't stay out in the living room or kitchen by herself if I leave those areas she is right at my ankle following me all the way back to wherever I'm going right now which is typically back to my bed so she's been an excellent nurse and I'm very grateful for her loving, intuitive and  sweet, atfectionate, supportive company! And she is growing soooo fast too! I am going to weight her tomorrow, she is already getting very heavy in my arms!


-Sisu and Kirsti ♡

Toronto, Ontario

This is a Button

F7 SBTs Rex and Thor (formerly Trice)

They are doing great. A little work, but they are babies. Fun to watch. They go to their room on their own at night when we go to sleep and wait for me to wake up to go to work. This morning around five, I felt little paws trying to grab my hand that was hanging over the bed. Thor finally got on the bed to greet me with a rub.  Lol.. I guess I don't sleep in on my day off. Lol... Got to feed hungry little kitties. :-)

-Holly O.

Brantford, Ontario

F8 SBT Squeakers (formerly Terra)


Wanted to give you an update, we have now had her for just over a month.

We have changed her name to Veda but she often goes by Squeakers.

She is happy, healthy and we absolutely love her.

She loves going on little adventures, her favourite is climbing trees. Good thing she is harnessed she climbs fast. Walks really help her wear out and keep her from getting bored.

I’ve attached a few pictures to see how beautiful she is still is.

Feeling cool on a tree...

-Jen B.

GTA, Ontario

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